T1 - Columbia Pictures and Metro-Goldwyn Mayer pictures present > Distributors
T2 - A Scott Rudin . yellow bird production > Production Company
T3 - A David Fincher film > Director
T4 - Daniel Craig > Main Actor
T5 - Rooney Mara > Main Actress
T6 - The Girl with the dragon tattoo > Title of film
T7 - Christopher Plummer > Actor
T8 - Stellan Skarsgard > Actor
T9 - Steven Berkoff > Actor
T10 - Robin Wright > Actress
T11 - Yorick Van Wageningen > Actor
T12 - Joley Richardson > Actress
T13 - Geraldine James > Actress
T14 - Goran Visnjic > Actor
T15 - Donald Sumpter > Actor
T16 - Ulf Frieberg > Actor
T17 - Casting by Laray Mayfield > Casting Director
T18 - Costume Designer Trish Summerville > Costume Designer
T19 - Co-producer Berna Levin . Eli Bush > Co-producer
T20 - Sound design by Ren Klyce > Sound Designer
T21 - Music by Trent Reznor . Atticus Ross > Soundtrack producer
T22 - Editors . Kirk Baxter.ACE . Angus Wall.ACE > Editors
T23 - Production Designer Donald Graham Burt > Production Designer
T24 - Director of photography Jeff Croneweth. ASC > Photography Director
T25 - Executive Producers . Steven Zaillin . Mikael Wallen . Anni Faurbye Fernandez > Executive Producers
T26 - Produced by Scott Rudin . Ole Sondeberg . Soren Staermose . Cean Chaffin > Producers
T27 - Based on the book by Staeg Larsson . Originally published by Norstedts > Book
T28 - Screenplay by Steven Zaillin > Writer
T29 - Directed by David Fincher > Director
T1: 0.06- 0.07 > Lasts 1 second < white text on black background
T2: 0.09- 0.10 > Last 1 second< white text on dark alternating animated backgrounds
T3: 0.12- 0.14 > Lasts 2 seconds< white text on dark alternating animated backgrounds
T4: 0.15- 0.17 > Lasts 2 seconds< white text on dark alternating animated backgrounds
T5: 0.18- 0.20 > Lasts 2 seconds< white text on dark alternating animated backgrounds
T6: 0.21- 0.23 > Lasts 2 seconds< metallic grey text on black background and then covered by black water
T7: 0.25- 0.27 > Lasts 2 seconds< white text on dark alternating animated backgrounds
T8: 0.28- 0.30 > Lasts 2 seconds < white text on dark alternating animated backgrounds
T9: 0.33- 0.35 > Lasts 2 seconds < white text on dark alternating animated backgrounds
T10: 0.36- 0.38 > Lasts 2 seconds < white text on dark alternating animated backgrounds
T11: 0.39- 0.41 > Lasts 2 seconds < white text on dark alternating animated backgrounds
T12: 0.43- 0.45 > Lasts 2 seconds < white text on dark alternating animated backgrounds
T13: 0.50- 0.52 > Lasts 2 seconds < white text on dark alternating animated backgrounds
T14: 01.02- 01.04 > Lasts 2 seconds < white text on dark alternating animated backgrounds
T15: 01.05- 01.07 > Lasts 2 seconds < white text on dark alternating animated backgrounds
T16: 01.09- 01.11 > Lasts 2 seconds < white text on dark alternating animated backgrounds
T17: 01.13- 01.15 > Lasts 2 seconds < white text on dark alternating animated backgrounds
T18: 01.18- 01.20 > Lasts 2 seconds < white text on dark alternating animated backgrounds
T19: 01.21- 01.23 > Lasts 2 seconds < white text on dark alternating animated backgrounds
T20: 01.24- 01.26 > Lasts 2 seconds < white text on dark alternating animated backgrounds
T21: 01.27- 01.29 > Lasts 2 seconds < white text on dark alternating animated backgrounds
T22: 01.30- 01.32 > Lasts 2 seconds < white text on dark alternating animated backgrounds
T23: 01.33- 01.35 > Lasts 2 seconds < white text on dark alternating animated backgrounds
T24: 01.38- 01.40 > Lasts 2 seconds < white text on dark alternating animated backgrounds
T25: 01.46- 01.48 > Lasts 2 seconds < white text on dark alternating animated backgrounds
T26: 01.49- 01.52 > Lasts 3 seconds < white text on dark alternating animated backgrounds
T27: 01.53- 01.56 > Lasts 3 seconds < white text on dark alternating animated backgrounds
T28: 02.07- 02.09 > Lasts 2 seconds < white text on dark alternating animated backgrounds
T29: 02.20- 02.22 > Lasts 2 seconds < white text on dark alternating animated backgrounds
T1- T2 = distributor and production companies
T3= Director
T4- T5= main actor and actress
T6= title of film
T7- T16= actors and actresses
T17- T29= behind the scenes input
this timeline clearly outlines how a title sequence is set out- it will help me in further tasks that include title sequences.
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