Monday, 23 September 2013


Taxi Driver title sequence

1. What does the sound tell us about the character?
All sounds are emphasised for tension. heavy breathing suggests that he is panicking. the eeriness and dramatic music suggests that he maybe did something wrong. there is the sound of a man reporting a story which could imply he is telling something bad. the dramatic music conveys he is paranoid.

2. How do we know this is a thriller?
The dramtic, eery music connotes the thriller theme. the camera angles and length of shots give it a suspense building effect that is commonly used in thrillers to build the tension. he is running away when the sound of a helicopter approaches which connotes he is running from his problems.

3. What is the role of the opening of a film?
it is to set the scene of the movie; give an insight to what the film is about. it is to gage the interest of the audience to watch the film.

4. What happens in the opening of the film?
it builds suspense and tension to engage the attention of the audience.

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