Monday, 23 September 2013

Inception spoiler review

Inception spoiler review

Inception is a science fiction thriller directed by Christopher Nolan, starring Leonardo DiCaprio as ‘Dominick Cobb’ who works with his business partner, Arthur (Joseph Gordon-Levitt) to infiltrate the subconscious of their clients through their dreams; to extract the information they want. 

Cobb is hired to do a special project known as ‘inception’ where they need to plant an idea into the clients subconscious whilst he is asleep to be able to influence his actions in the real world; to be able to do this they need to have six levels within the dream, each level has a ‘kick’ to allow them to move further in the levels; if they die in the dream they wake up into the real world, however there is a catch if they do not realise where they are and mistake reality for the dream they will die - this is why they have a small personal item to help them figure out whether they are in dream state or in reality. 

Cobb has a murder against his name and has been promised by his employer that it will be cleared if he is to complete this mission successfully which will allow him to go home to his children. Unbeknown to his fellow colleagues, his wife haunts his dream which is why he tells them not to tell him the journey to where they need to go so she cannot infiltrate the mission and ruin everything.

The iconography used emphasises the thriller genre such as the lighting and dramatic, suspense building music that sets the scene for the audience. The mise en scene used is mainly in the dream world but in reality is centred in Los Angeles which is more believable for the audience as it is relatable due to it being in our world. The characters are dressed formally in business attire which gives the impression that what they do for a living is a well paid job and highly respected. 

In my opinion I think this film is 4 out of 5 stars as it uses the correct iconography and mise en scene to result with the ultimate effect for an effective thriller.

this spoiler review enabled me to read deeper into the storyline of inception and why the director used certain mise en scene aspects in the way that was portrayed. this film is psychological as it needs to be watched in depth to be able to piece the puzzle together; it keeps the audience engaged. this helped me analyse a thriller that does not conform to the classic hollywood narrative and why this intrigues the audience alot more than a film like 'Taken'.

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