Tuesday, 26 November 2013

Effects on videos

Bleach bypass>> saving private ryan
Original clip
Exposure and saturation
Lowering shadows
Boost highlights
Lower global saturation
Duplicate clip
Boost opacity
Take out colour
Leaves a grayscale 
Overlay the duplicate over the original and change the composite
Use the bleach bypass to create the look

Black and white
Original clip
Apply black and white video effect
Duplicate clip
Change opacity
Overlay the duplicate over the original  and change the opacity and colour spectrum to create the correct look

Video analysis on camera shots and angles

Eye line extreme close up- eyes >> zoom out and pan arc to hand where he is holding a knife and then continues pan to show dead man 
Medium long shot of man dropping knife >> Close up of knife dropping - match on action
Medium shot of man looking in toilet cubicle
Medium shot from behind the man appearing in mirror
Close up of man washing face from right hand side 
Medium high shot showing man's anxiety
Medium shot showing man pulling dead body
Medium shot at floor level to show him kicking knife away and dragging man by the feet
High medium shot to show man positioning dead man on the toilet seat and pans showing man walking out of toilet cubicle
Long shot showing man picking up sweeper and pans with the man as he brings it over to the blood stains on the floor
Close up at floor level showing man sweeping the blood
Medium shot of man sweeping blood off wall
Long shot showing man washing/ sweeping floor again and putting mop against the wall
Medium shot at floor level showing man walking towards cubicle and reaching under the barrier to reach for knife
Medium shot showing man looking around and then put knife in pocket 
Medium shot of man walking out the door

Washed out look makes everything with a blueish tinge yet emphasises the white in the image

Thursday, 21 November 2013


Look at real examples of film openings- get more ideas and improve ideas this way
What do u need in titles? 

Key features of film openings:
Narrative (enigma)

Gives more of feel to a film- makes the audience decide if they want to watch it
Do not give everything away in the first two minutes
Establish who the characters are
Atmosphere is largely portrayed through sound but can also be done through visuals such as lighting
Genre is the main identifier of the film
The enigma code is the main thing for the storyline
Setting sets the story- makes it believable or fantasy

Research: start on the general area and then home in on the specific that u want and make your research focused and relevant
Make an indication to the genre and style of folk and where u have got your ideas from

Simple search terms are often the best to come up with the best range of research

www.artofthetitle.com << a lot of insight from directors etc

Catch me if you can opening title sequence
Music creates mystery and suspense but also a comic mood
The main character observes and then disguises himself
Chased by a detective
Based mainly in New York >> yellow taxi >> tall buildings
Likes the ladies>> girls around a pool with martinis
Disguises as pilot, doctor, lawyer
Change in tones of colours shows where the mans journey becomes quite dangerous and almost caught
Detective following leads but always one step behind him
Catches the man at the end
Mystery crime detective/comedy drama
Animated could give a comic feel
The name of the film is an indicator to the narrative
Goes around the world due to the fact that the animation shows him running around the world
The man on the run is quite young due to nativity in some situations

Remake of dawn of the dead opening scene
Zombie film
Screaming and dialogue, heart beat
Don't know
Sound of ripping flesh
Rhetorical questions asked
Based around science>> cells dividing etc
All over the news- more realistic
People dying, almost war like conditions
The country music gives a antsy feel to the film>> Johnny cash- singing about the judgement day - grim reaper
World coming to an end
Red titles emphasise shedding of blood
Quick shots show world wide spread and keep audience on edge
All over the world but mainly viewed from america>> White House, American accents
Sounds of cutting out technology
Disaster sci-fi
Give the source of the virus/ mutations which caused the zombie abomination
So many people and because all around the world so the central characters don't come in till later
General opening- gives more questions for the audience to ask
Establishes general atmosphere- main thing portrayed in this sequence. 

Napoleon dynamite opening title sequence
Young teenage movie - shown by food, school cards, library cards etc
Focused mainly on the titles
Titles written in different sauce
Song talks about school life in America
Based around a geek due to interest in sweets and books>> stereotypical assumption
7 actors/ actresses
11 production teams
Ended with director
Based in America due to corn dogs and ID cards and nature of objects etc
Main character is the male geeky teenager 
General impression of movie- assumption from similar movies from the same genre are our basis for what we know

Pay close attention to titles to show understanding 

Username: longroadchildrensfilm9
Password: childrensfilm

Typeface is the easiest titles to put in an opening sequence as translators can then easily translate it without struggling as most tv dramas are shown all around the world

Main actors like to have a single card
Woody Allen films show actors in order of appearance

Above the line - Cast and money
Below the line - Make the film
Certain actors and actresses have to have a certain size, place, ration, slate etc that are their legal regulations 

Performing arts institute >> production arts
Made short films
Vinyl commercials
Generate contacts
Music videos

Independent film: Sixteen
Director is interested in unique/original characters
Lower budget film meant that he was involved in the day to day nitty gritty stuff 
If you don't raise your money in the time you are given it all goes bust

Lots of small things add up to get better marks

Strengths and weaknesses
Sounds of wind
Smoothness of sound
Camera was shaky
Editing was awkward
The candidate numbers were not needed
The titles looked out of place- not very effective
No narrative

9 steps:

Step 1- take stock
Task and assessment

Step 2: Timeframe and equipment

Step 3: build up skills

Foley: Fake sounds that are put over to make it seem realistic and sharp

Ident: logo of production company

Step 4: investigate

Step 5: brainstorm ideas
Possible scenarios for treatments 
Realistic expectations

Step 6: planning
Recce - shots of locations
Examples of shots, costumes, props etc
Logistics including risk assessment

Step7: the shoot
People ,places ,props, costumes
Rehearsing , directing
Equipment jobs on the day
Keep a record of the process

Step 8: edit
All having a voice/ hand in it
Screen grabs of process
Importance of audio and titles
Foley not just music
Rough cut deadline and peer feedback

Step 9: evaluation

Six most common student film openings
Lock stock
Waking up
Flashback or flashforward

Six most common problems
(Picture of screen)

Level 1: minimal ability 0-23
Level 2: basic ability 24-35
Level 3: proficient 36-47
Level 4: excellent 48-60

Key advice
Plan for everything
Keep all the evidence
Avoid the obvious
Pay attention to detail
Make your blog varied
Learn from other work

Tuesday, 19 November 2013


After effects
Effects >> colour correction > you can pick out a certain colour and make the rest of th picture gloomy

Effects >> simulation > ran, drizzle, lightning, light rays

Motion tracking:
Find part of video you want to motion track- start and end of motion track
New layer
Null object
Click on blue
Go to beginning
Pick a point -has to have a contrast
Play scene
Click on null 1
Add text
Click on parent drop down
Pair text with null object

Things to include;
3D motion tracking
motion tracking

Monday, 4 November 2013


Matrix Interrogation
-music (orchestral)
-props >> black suits, sunglasses >> spy/ detective/ FEDs
-low key lighting

Where do the ideas come from?
research and watching films

Which students produce better work?
the ones that work together and produce a good idea. the ones that watch a alot of films

Is it possible to be original?
no, because your ideas branch off of ideas you have seen before

restricted: audience only knows what the characters know >> mystery
omniscient: audience knows more than the characters do >> suspense
linear: the films have a clear start, middle and end
non-linear: use flashbacks to throw the audience off track

Donkey Kong: linear + omniscient

Bioshock intro: restricted + linear

The call: restricted/ omniscient + linear

Crank beginning: restricted + non linear

The usual suspects: restricted + linear

Memento opening: restricted + non linear

Enemy of the state: restricted

Friday, 18 October 2013

Audience Research


 These graphs from IMDb show that males and females under the age of 18 watch this film more than other ages and, roughly equally, however, men watch this 0.1% more than women. However, also the results show that males and females from 18-29 years watch this almost as much as under 18 year olds. This shows that this particular crime thriller is pretty much equally liked the same by both women and men but are under the age of 30 so is preferred by the younger generation. These also show that this audience rates this film at rating 8.

this represents the audience that watches this film the most frequently out of the world population.

 The Bourne Identity

These graphs from IMDb show that males and females under the age of 18 watch this thriller film the same amount. Also, men and women from 18-29 years also watch this pretty closely to under 18 year olds so can be seen as one of the main audiences. This film was rated 8 which shows that this audience likes watching this action thriller.

this photo represents the audience for this action thriller

the two films above have similar audiences from 18-29 year olds which shows that the two above films are preferred by the older generation of people who have left school or attend university.

The Butterfly Effect

These graphs from IMDb shows that males and females under the age of 18 roughly equally watch this film the most out of all other ages, however women watch this 0.1% more than men. This particular psychological thriller is different to most others in the audience as it is usually watched by men; This could be because this film includes romance so could be more relatable to women.

This picture represents that this film is mostly watched by men and women under the age of 18.

the rating of this film was rating 8.

 Shutter Island
These graphs from IMDb show that males and females under the age of 18 watch this film roughly the same, however men watch this 0.1% more than women. This shows that this psychological thriller is liked by both men and women. The rating of this film is 8 so shows that this age group likes watching thrillers.

this photo represents that women and men under the age of 18 watch this film.

the above two films show that under 18 year olds watch psychological thrillers more than any other age group. this conveys how it is preferred by the younger generation.

The others

These graphs from IMDb allow us to see that this particular supernatural thriller attracts a wide range of audiences; male and female; the older generation and the young generation. The average shown on the graph is roughly around the percentage 7.7, give or take 0.1/0.2%. The highest rating of this film is an 8 which proves that majority of the audience enjoyed the film where the minority did not enjoy it.

These pictures represent the diversity of age that this film has entertained

Sucker Punch

These graphs from IMDb show that under 18 year olds are the popular audience; however women watch this psychological thriller 0.2% more than men. This could be because women can relate to the story in this thriller more than men. This film is rated 7- compared to the rest of the thrillers I have researched this is lowest; this one is female dominated where the rest of them are male dominated. This could mean that audiences prefer male dominated thrillers due to the storyline.

this photo represents the teenage audience that watches this thriller film

Based upon my research, it has brought to light that under 18’s up to 39 year olds are the most common audience for thriller films. The older generations are brought into the popular audience, in crime, actions and horror thrillers whereas the supernatural or psychological are majority the younger generation. 

Thursday, 17 October 2013

Preliminary Task voice over

this small analysis meant that I could understand and realise what my improvements are and what I do quite well in acting and directing. It also showed our group how well we worked together

Media Work Animation

this media animation showed me the extent of my knowledge and how well I worked with my group to get the task complete. it was a long process but we planned around it by making 30 second videos and then joining them together later on to make one fluid movie. it allowed me to learn how to use new software and how to make animations

Friday, 11 October 2013


Four types of Narratives:

Omniscient is where the audience knows everything about the film and characters. An example of this narrative would be, Transporter as it follows the guideline of the Classic Hollywood Narrative; we know that he has to deliver parcels to the given address but we automatically know something will go wrong and that he will need to fix it. Therefore we know everything about the film and the character as the film progresses but it just keeps the tension.

Restricted is where the audience only knows what the character knows; it leaves the audience questioning a lot of the movie and trying to figure it out for themselves. An example of this narrative would be, Shutter Island as we do not understand the man's journey until the end of the film where we find out he is actually a patient at the mental institution and everything he experienced is how his brain deals with the horrible memories he carries with him every day. 

Linear is where the films have a clear start, middle and end and are usually known as the Classical hollywood narrative. An example of this narrative would be, Taken as we see that the girl is taken, the man chases the men that kidnapped her, and then she is saved by him and she gets a happy ending by being given singing lessons by her dad. 

Non-linear is where the films include flashbacks to throw audiences off track; it gives more background story to

the character usually and is more engaging for most audiences due to the fact that they are constantly surprised with the new information they are fed. An example of this narrative would be, Bourne Identity, as the main character, Bourne suffers from amnesia after a terrible accident, but then starts to remember his life before and realises he is a trained killer; this is given in small doses of information to the audience to keep them continually interested in the film but also tells the story in a way that keeps them surprised and not expecting what is to happen next.

Enigma codes and their importance in a film
An enigma code makes the audience ask themselves questions throughout the film; it entertains the audience as well as the fact that it makes them feel clever.

Different Thriller sub genres
There are many different sub genres that are in thriller films: conspiracy, crime, disaster, mystery, political, psychological, religious, techno, supernatural and action. All of these sub genres target different audiences within those that like thrillers. 

The conspiracy sub genre usually include a heroic figure set around a business location and and usually includes a powerful organisation as the main plot. An example of this type of thriller would be Inception as it includes a powerful organisation that plants ideas in the person's subconscious which influences them in the real world- they are paid alot of money for this business; the characters all wear suits/ smart clothes that enforce the fact that it is set in a business plot.

The crime sub genre usually includes some sort of criminal offence- the main character would either be a detective or some sort of murderer and the audience experiences the film through them. An example of this type of thriller would be Seven as it is based around the police investigating murders commited by a psycho-case killer that is trying to prove that people commit the seven deadly sins; brad pitt and morgan freeman are the main detectives investigating the case.

The disaster sub genre where there is usually some sort of scientist as one of the main roles- the story plots around a natural disaster where mankind are to blame. An example of this type of thriller would be the day after tomorrow where scientists in America predict global warming will increase rapidly and cause the next ice age- it is based upon university students that have connections to the scientists through family connections and help themselves and a group of civilians survive the disaster.

The mystery sub genre is usually based upon a crime where clues are revealed to keep the audience guessing. It is relatable to crime and detectives and their storylines are usually restricted. An example of this type of thriller would be The Sixth Sense as it tells a story of a man that treats people with hallucinations. A former patient hoever comes to Malcom's house and shoots him in the abdomen because he failed him. Malcom is weary about helping others but he meets an eight year old boy that suffers similar to the guy that shot him and becomes dedicated to helping him. The audience does not find out till later on in the film that Malcom is in fact a ghost himself. 

The political sub genre is based around the government and prevention of war and usually influences an opinion out of the audience. An example of this type of sub genre would be V for Vendetta as it based in a dystopian setting of London where V is trying to start a revolution to overthrow government for the freedom of the people. 

The psychological sub genre usually has a non-linear narrative and is based upon a character with an unstable mind. An example of this type of thriller would be Butterfly Effect as Evan goes back in time to fix him past, and the girl he just met at university, however this causes changes in him present day life where he returns to be an inmate, an amputee and even jailed for killing the girls's brother Tommy. All of this contains flashbacks and time warps that throw the audience off track, keeping them engaged.

The religious sub genre is usually centred around the church and the pope but mainly the catholic church. An example of this would be Angels and Demons as it is based upon the beliefs of the catholic church and how the illuminati will kill the four cardinals at four of the altars along the 'Path of Illumination' marked by the angels. Tom Hanks' character has to follow the leads and clues and hope to stop the turn of events. 

The techno sub genre is a sci-fi thriller but technology plays a major role that leads the film. An example of this type of thriller would be iRobot as humans have invented robots that do important jobs in the business world as well as doing the dirty jobs in the streets and slaving around the house and now are about to rebel led by a super computer that one robot turns against with the help of Will Smith to save the race of humans. 

The supernatural sub genre includes a main character who usually has superhuman powers that save mankind and the story is led by their actions. An example of this would be The Others as Nicole Kidman is leading a life that she believes is real but actually she is a ghost and so is everyone else she sees and talks to but we do not know this until near to the end of the film where all is slowly revealed. 

The action sub genre includes fast paced action to keep the audience engaged but adds to the storyline by showing that the hero is fighting for justice. An example of this type of thriller would be Die Hard, there is terrorists that take a group of people hostage and Bruce Willis sets out to save them all and ends up killing the villain, freeing the people and setting forth the actions for the next films.